Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Other Side of the Pond

View out the window of my plane

I have been wanting to start writing a blog for a little while now and I figured there probably isn't a better time to start than while traveling through Europe. I'll try to update as much as possible with what I'm doing and as many pictures as i can.
I started my journey Saturday the 25th with a flight from pittsburgh to cleveland and then cleveland to london heathrow. I never have traveled alone before so I was nervous about that plus I was going to another country which made it a little more nerve wracking. I actually thought the flight between pittsburgh and cleveland was worse than the one to london. The shorter flight was on tiny plane that had propellers, not normal airplane engines so it was pretty bumpy, which I don't enjoy very much. However, I did make it to london in one piece, and faster than expected, about an hour early because we had strong tail winds. Now I was just hoping to see my bag come out of the baggage claim hole and make it through customs without too much trouble. My bag did eventually come out and the customs person wasn't too bad, no weird questions or too much pestering me of what I was going to be doing while in England. I did declare that I brought over seven cans of chew, which I really don't think they new how much it was because they told me to not bring so much next time, but it really is not much at all and I'm not very sure if it will even last me the whole time here.
After all that I got my stamp on my passport, very easily met Vinnie outside of customs, and we took a train to London, where we would be staying with krieger. He is not there, he is in Barcelona with his brother, but his room mate Joe is and he seems pretty cool. The place is really nice, five floors, we are pretty lucky to have a place like this stay in while we are in London. After dropping my stuff off there, me, Vin and Joe got some breakfast around the corner.
After that Joe went back to the house and me and Vin ventured into London Center, the main part of london. This whole first day I was kind of in a fog, being that I didn't get more than a couple hours of sleep since I was traveling all day and night for the previous 24 hours or so. It was really cool though, we came out of the underground right by big ben and the parliament house, then went to piccadilly circus, sort of the times square of London and also went and saw Buckingham Palace (which was not as impressive as I would have thought).
After all that we went back to where we are staying and got some dinner, at a burger place. I got the barbecue burger, which was actually more like a chili burger (i don't think they really understand barbeque sauce), but it was good. For dessert we got a mcflurry from McDonald's, I guess the McFlurry machines work in this country.
After all that with the time change and not much sleep over the past two days it was about time for bed. Our plan for day two was taking a bus back to Nottingham for the night to check out where Vin had been living and check him out of his dorm room.

Me and Vin at Big Ben

In front of Parliament House

Piccadilly Circus

Buckingham Palace

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