Monday, August 10, 2009

Il Mercante Di Venezia

To say the least, Venice is the most unbelievable place I've been to over here in Europe, or anywhere for that matter. It really is hard to describe just how great it was. Everything about it was great, the people, the weather, the city itself, and especially the food. Everyone was very friendly here and most knew some English, so that in itself made it better than anywhere else over here. Then the weather couldn't have been better, it was mid to upper 80's without a cloud in the sky for just about the whole time we were there. And the food really can't be described, on just about any given street there was at least one gellateria and pizza shop, plus a restaurant for dinner, so we definitely had our choice of where and what to eat. We got gellato at least twice a day had unbelievable pizza or calzone's for lunch each day, a snack in between lunch and dinner, and finally a three course dinner each night. For dinner you order a spaghetti dish, a meat dish and a side of fries or salad. Most of the spaghetti was with some kind of seafood, too, which made it even better. One of the specialties in Venice is cuttlefish, which is some kind of fish that shoots out a black ink. They make a sauce with the ink and fish that is jet black, me and Vin both ordered it, were nervous it was going to be weird, and it ended up being one of the best things we ate. If anyone ever tells you they didn't eat good in Italy, or that it is way different than what we eat back at home, they probably haven't really been there, because I didn't eat one thing there that was even just alright. Venice was certainly a far cry from what Paris was like, they are two cities that are pretty much opposites.
Basically our days were spent wondering around the canal laden streets just enjoying the city and eating. Two of the days we went to the beach which was about a 45 minute boat ride through the canals to another island called Lido. It was an experience that I wouldn't trade for anything, I could probably go on for days about how great it was so I'll stop now and just show some pictures.
On a side note we are only in London for the night and leave for Brugge, Belgium in the morning. It is supposedly the Venice of Northern Europe, we will be the judges of that. We are only staying there two days, so I should have another post about our time there thursday at some point.

He sure hates taking pictures

The Grand Canal

A Gondalier

Per Rialto
(the main bridge of the grand canal)

Me on the Rialto

The lagoon between Venice and other islands

Night on the Grand Canal

More Grand Canal

He was happy about this shot
as you can tell

Ahhh, the beach

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