Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday Breakfast: Part 1

Every Sunday throughout the summer, myself, my brother, my mom and dad are each taking turns on providing breakfast for us as well as my grandpa, and I would imagine my aunt will be involved some weeks as well. My brother came up with the idea because it seems the only time we eat a big breakfast is if we have it for dinner. Whose ever turn it is can do whatever they want, anything from picking up some donuts or bagels and coffee to enjoy at our house, going out somewhere or cooking for everyone. I love the idea because not only do I love breakfast, but I will get to try out some breakfast recipes that I’ve been wanting to make, needless to say when it’s my turn we won’t be going out for breakfast. My brother was up first last week, he took us to Perkins. We filled up on pancakes, eggs, bacon, breakfast potatoes and toast. Any time I get to use an exorbitant amount of syrup I’m happy with a meal. This week was my turn, I made scrambled eggs, egg beaters, bacon, Strawberry Brown Butter Betty’s in which I got the recipe from a great food blog Smitten Kitchen:

cinnamon and sugar filo dough layered with sweetened mascarpone cheese from which I got the idea from an episode of No Reservations, I think Anthony Bourdain was in Greece but I’m not 100% sure (oddly enough as I'm getting ready to publish this post the episode I am talking is on, it is from Zakynthos and the dish is called bougata, it is a little different from how I made but mine is similar):

some fresh strawberries, blueberries and peaches with homemade whipped cream and some of the best donuts around from White House Fruit Farms, it’s also where I got all the fruit. Surprisingly to at least me, everything came out really well and it all was finished on time, too. I don’t know what everyone liked more the brown butter betty’s or the filo dough, but by the time everyone was finished eating there wasn’t much left over. My brother, originally not planning on touching a brown butter betty (he doesn’t eat many fruits or vegetables), asked for a bite and ended up eating two of them, and my grandpa said it was the best meal he’s eaten since my grandma passed away, which is quite a complement because she was the definitely the best cook I will ever have known, and also where I think I get my love for cooking. It was great that everyone enjoyed the spread I made and I can’t wait until its my turn again.

Cinnamon Sugar Filo Dough w/ Sweetened Mascarpone Layers

size: 1 small cookie sheet

15 sheets of filo dough

16 oz package of mascarpone cheese

1/4 cup powdered sugar

1/2 tsp lemon zest

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/2 stick unsalted butter, melted

granulated sugar and cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

In a bowl combine the mascarpone, powdered sugar, lemon zest and vanilla, and mix until everything is combined.

Carefully trim the filo dough so it is the size of the cookie sheet you are using.

On parchment paper put 1-2 sheets of filo and brush with melted butter. Then put little dollops of the mascarpone all over the filo. (I tried to spread the mascarpone to make an even layer but it ended up just tearing the dough, so I just put dollops all over the filo instead, and it worked really well).

Place another 1-2 sheets over the first layer and gently press down to flatten the dollops of mascarpone out. Repeat with the butter and mascarpone until all of the mascarpone and dough is used up.

On the top layer sprinkle sugar and cinnamon (can also be done in each layer) then bake for about 30-35 minutes, until the dough is flaky, crisp and golden brown. Cut into squares and enjoy.

Only empty plates after this one

Eat well, Live well

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