Saturday, August 1, 2009

Those Golden Arches

Our Street

Kind of a lazy Saturday, we've kind of just been hanging out at krieger's place, getting ready for our trip tomorow. We got a pork shoulder for pulled pork a bunch of sausage and I'm also making mac and cheese, so we should have a pretty good dinner on our hands. We ended up getting the Indian food for dinner last night, and it was great. I couldn't tell you what we had exactly but we got four dishes and rice and split them, to get a good variety. We had two chicken dishes, a lamb dish and a prawn dish. The prawn and one of the chicken dishes were super spicy and it was funny to watch Vinnie squirming as he ate them, seeing as how a mild wing is normally to hot for him. After dinner we went to a pub, had some hearty beers and some laughs. It was fun, and I definitely wasn't expecting to hear some of the music they played. The night ended with Sweet Home Alabama, it was funny to see all the English people singing and dancing to that song.
On the way home from the bar we stopped to get some McDonalds, and boy was it a heck of a lot different than any American McDonald's. We always joke around about McDonalds back at home and call it our local McDonalds Restaurant and joke around about it being classy and bringing dates there and stuff, but here it kind of is. The place was packed, and there were a lot of guys bringing girls there and sitting down and enjoying a meal from McDonalds. We all had a pretty good laugh about it because you wouldn't even consider doing anything like that back at home.
Well thats about all I have right now, me and Vin leave for Paris tomorrow then on to Venice Monday night, I'm pretty sure our hotel in Paris has the internet so I will at least make a post from there and we will see about from Italy. Not many pictures this time but after the next week I'm sure I will have tons!

Clapham Junction

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