Sunday, May 30, 2010

The End of an Era

The Last Meal

Two years ago I was laughed at when I made the statement that when I moved out I was going to cook dinner for myself more than I would not. "That will get old real fast", or "It'll last two weeks a month tops", but after two years of living on my own I gained a love for cooking, and proved all the haters wrong. For me there was no better way to end a long day of school and studying then by cooking, and after two years I definitely learned a lot and think I got pretty good. Two years ago I would have never thought I would be blogging about my cooking escapades, but I am and am certainly enjoying it. Now I moved back home, It's definitely going to be an adjustment trying to get my mom used to the idea of me actually using her kitchen. I'm pretty sure half the reason she doesn't do so well at cooking is because she is afraid to let anything in her kitchen dirty. I'll show her it is possible to cook good meals and still keep the grease spatters to a minimum on the stove top. I think at least for the summer, since I've been grill-less for the past two years, I will try to do a bit more with it and just try to keep expanding my cooking and recipe repertoire. It's hard to believe I am already halfway through pharmacy school, I can't wait for two years from now when hopefully I'll be writing about my graduation from pharmacy school (hopefully I'll keep this thing going that long!).

With the move back home I also think it is time for a name change for the blog. John's Odyssey, doesn't really have much cache or really give a good description of the blog. It's basically a bad name, so I decided on a new one, Rx-ipe, I think its catchy and is much more descriptive of who I am and what I am doing with this blog. Hopefully you like, I definitely think its an upgrade.

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