Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost Finale Party

I can't believe it's actually over, and if you have not watched this tv show than I really do feel bad for you. I'm writing this after watching the finale so now I can finally say Lost is the best show of all time. The writing, acting, directing and story were all unbelievably good throughout its six seasons, every new show that comes out will be compared to it, some may be called "the next Lost", but that is unfair because I really don't think there will ever be another Lost, this was a once in a lifetime tv experience that I couldn't be more happy I was able to enjoy, although I do have to admit I started watching at the start of season 2 (I've since rewatched the entire series starting at the beginning multiple times), I was a hater all of season 1. It's kind of testament to the greatness of the show, that I was once a hater, but now completely obsessed, most people have a vague idea of the show but think to themselves how could it be any good, but if given an honest chance fall in love with the show. I've told many people to watch the first 4 episodes of season 1 and see if your interested, if your not by then, then you never will be, but if you are say good bye to all your free time for a few weeks because you will be obsessed. Not one person I've given that advice to has ever stopped after those first 4 episodes. The greatness to this show was all pending on a great ending and Darlton did not disappoint, I haven't stopped thinking about since last night, in my opinion it was as near to perfect as I could have imagined.

The party I threw for this event was of course themed around the show, we had dharma beer:

dharma tortilla chips, dharma pop and dharma guacamole:

as well as Lost inspired dishes like John Locke's World Famous Pulled Boar:

Kate, We Have to Go Back! (for seconds) Mac & Cheese, Hurley Hid All the Dharma Mayonnaise Cole Slaw, Charlie and Claire's Peanut Butter Surprise, Apollo Bars:

and a Lost Cake:

plus my friend Matt brought Jin Shoo-Sushi, my friend T brought boneless Mr. Cluck's chicken wings, and finally Rickert brought a fruit tray and chip dip. It was definitely more than all of us could eat, but that is the way it should be. I think the Apollo Bars were the biggest hit, they were made from a base of an oreo cake-like concoction I kind of just made up, topped with caramel, the stuff from an oreo and vanilla buttercream, covered in Lindt milk chocolate, they were about as dense is allowable by law, but they were awesome. I pretty much spent all day Saturday and Sunday cooking for this party, but since the finale ended up exceeding expectations it was definitely all worth it.

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