Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Sheriff of Nottingham

Nottingham Proper

Monday brought on a trip to Nottingham. We caught a bus and it was going to take a little over three hours too get there. At the bus station I got myself a breakfast sandwich, or bap. It was a bacon and sausage bap and it was awesome, it had a thick coil of sausage and a slab of bacon on it. The bus ride wasn't too bad, I'm still getting used to the five hour time change so I pretty much slept the whole way to Nottingham.
We got to Nottingham around two or three and walked around there for a while. We visited the Nottingham castle, which we didn't get to see a whole lot of because it is like 15 or 20 pounds to actually walk around the grounds of it. I guess when I think of a castle I think of huge towers, and turrets and things of that nature but this pretty much looked like a smaller version of Buckingham Palace. It was cool but not as castley as I would have hoped. Outside of the castle wall is a statue of Robin Hood, which we got some pictures next to, and further down the wall is a bar that crusaders would stop at on the way to Jerusalem. It claims to be the oldest pub in England and was established in 1189 AD. It is kind of hard to believe a place could be around for so long.
After that we headed back to Vinnie's dorm in Beeston, kind of a suburb of Nottingham. We walked around Nottingham University's campus and watched a little bit of a pick up soccer game. Then we got pizza and fries, or chips as they are called here, and ate dinner in the tv room of Vin's dorm. The pizza was actually really good, which was a surprise, I wouldn't have expected to get good pizza in England. The tv here is wierd and kind of hard to describe. We watched some of Schindler's List and The Bourne Ultimatum, both movies I have seen at home. Here, however, on their tvs the movie looked more fake somehow, like they were cheaply made or something. Probably not a good explanation but it was wierd nonetheless.
I got to sleep on Vinnie's floor with a pillow made of by bag and t-shirts, so it wasn't the greatest night of sleep I had, but oh well.
Tuesday we got some coffee and breakfast at a cafe in Beeston then took another bus ride back to London. We didn't do a whole lot yesterday, kind of just walked around a little around Michael's place, and then I cooked dinner for myself, Vin and Joe. I made aglio and olio with anchovies, it was pretty good but not as good as I could have made it, but they both enjoyed it.
Today I am making spaghetti it was hard to find tomato sauce, but I think I did, we will see how it turns out. Michael and his brother are back from Barcelona, so we will all have dinner together tonight.
Vin just made me and him a grilled cheese for lunch and we are about to head out and check out London Bridge, the Globe Theatre and St. Paul's Cathedral. I'm sure I will have plenty of pictures and I'll let you know how it was, for now check some of the pictures from Nottingham.

Gate of Nottingham Castle

Part of the Castle

Some of the castle grounds

The oldest pub in England

The view from Vin's Dorm


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