Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back To School...

A new year, a new decade and back to school again. As I look back over this past year it easily is the best year of my life. I did a ton of traveling (Europe, NYC, outer banks, camping) and completed my first year of pharmacy school. As i look back over the past decade its kind of crazy to think just under half of my life was spent in 00's. January 1, 2000 I was a cocky 13 year old 8th grader who thought he knew everything and did not need help or advice from anyone, 10 years later, I think I've learned a thing or two, sometimes the hard way (it seems more often than not), still in school but at least now its professional school (pharmacy) and I think I can see a light in this tunnel of academia, it's just a pinprick but I'm pretty sure it is a light.
I actually got slightly enthused about school while sitting in my first class of this new decade because the class we started up will actually last until I am done with actual class and enter my fourth year of pharmacy school which is just 10, 1 month rotations 40 hours of week in pharmacies. So for the next year and a half I have one class where I will finally learn things I will actually need to know when I become a pharmacist. After what, 16 or 17 years of school I finally start learning things I actually will use in my job!
Well I should have been studying while I was writing this, the first week of school after christmas break and we have a quiz everyday this week and a midterm next monday, exciting I know. One of my new years resolutions is to post more regularly, but I've said that before, so we will see what happens. For now it's dinner time, the best part of the day and it's monday so that means angel hair, meatballs and garlic bread is on the menu.

A little bit of the inspiration that keeps me plugging along
(my backyard in two and a half years)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to come visit your yard! I think I may be living in the outskirts, but hopefully you'll allow me to come stay at your lavish penthouse.
