Saturday, January 9, 2010

Girls are From Somewhere Farther Away than Venus

I bought this movie with some extra christmas money on the recommendation from my sister. I saw the previews when it was in theatres and thought I would like it but she saw, and said I should get it, her recommendations are usually good so I did. We actually sat down as a family, the five of us in our family room, to watch it. My dad on the ground grumbling because there was sure to not be anything blowing up or gun fights, my brother on the couch just happy that he won't have much interest in it so he could fall asleep easily to wake up at the crack of dawn to study, my mom and sister on the chair together giggling, but always on the verge of tears and a fight, and me in the back on the Lay-Z-Boy almost nervous to watch because I knew this movie would stir up some bad memories.
As most of the reviews I read about the movie state it is a story that has been done over and over, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, but what makes it different from I think all the romantic comedies I've ever seen is the boy loses the girl and gets his heart broken, it does happen and not always because he cheated on her or did something stupid. It was refreshing to see this take because rarely do we ever see this point of view or hear stories where this happens, its always the guys fault. As stupid, idiotic and crazy guys might be girls are at least twice as much, and this movie proved. I was in an eerily similar relationship as Tom, the main character of this movie, and was able to relate to almost everything (especially the expectations, and reality scene) he went through. Even though for me it was like three years ago this movie was still able to stir up those emotions and I really felt for Tom. There might not have been a classic happy ending, but is there ever? Overall I thought this movie was really well written, had great acting and was told in a interesting way. What else can you ask for? It is well deserving of the praise it got and I would say give it a shot if you're in the mood for a quirky, different take on a rom-com.

Oh ya, one more thing, Jenny Beckman, she is a bitch.

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